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In connection with the coming into force of the provisions on the protection of personal data - Regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council (EU) 2016/679 of 27 April 2016 on the protection of individuals with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data and repeal of the Directive 95/46 EC (“Rodo”), we would like to inform that:

  1. sp. o.o. ( |

  2. if you entrust us with your personal data, here we have provided information about our policy and your rights resulting from Rodo

  3. if you have questions related to the processing of your personal data, you can contact us by sending us a message to the following e-mail address: 

​​​Notification of individuals pursuant to art. 13 and 14 of Rodo

1. Who is the administrator of personal data of individuals?

The administrator is: sp. z o.o.

2. For what purpose, on what basis and for what period we use your personal data?

Personal data obtained during communication of before the conclusion of a contract or during its lifetime we use to:

  • conclusion and performance of the contract for the duration of the contract and settlements after its completion or for taking action before the contract is concluded, if you agree to it (art. 6 par. 1 b) Rodo),

  • performance of legal obligation binding on us, eg. issuing and storing invoices and accounting documents, keeping employee documentation (art. 6 par. 1c) Rodo).

We will use the data needed to fulfill legal obligations:

  • for the duration of the duties e.g. issuing an invoice (art. 6 par. 1c) Rodo)

  • for the period in which the regulations require us to store the data, e.g. tax data

  • for a period in which we have a legitimate interest, e.g. we may suffer the legal consequences of non-performance of an obligation

  • for verification of payment credibility, determination, defense, pursuit of claims, detection, prevention of abuse, creation of statements, analyzes and statistics, including among others sale of our claims from the contract to another entity, and earlier disclosure of source documents (e.g. contracts) containing personal data, reporting, marketing research, statistics (e.g. revenue protection) - for the period after which the claims arising from the contract expire, because we have legitimate interest

  • for direct marketing - for the duration of the contract, because we have a legitimate interest.


3. What recipients can we transfer your data to?

We can provide the data to:

  • entities processing data on our behalf, participating in the performance of our activities, e.g.: employees, co-workers, subcontractors who support us in our operations, including those supporting our teleinformation systems, helping in the marketing process, providing services to our clients

  • advisers, consultants, auditors, providers of legal, tax and accounting assistance, providers of postal, courier and payment services (banks, payment institutions), buyers of claims, banks, financial institutions

  • state bodies in the field of law, clients, if it is necessary before the conclusion of the contract or the performance of the contract


4. Will your data go beyond the European Economic Area (EEA)?

We are not currently planning to transfer your data outside of the EEA. But if we decide to transfer data outside of the EEA, we will do so only to the extent that we will be allowed by law


5. You have the right to personal data to rectificate, delete, limit of processing, access, transfer to another controller or to you (within the scope defined in art. 20 of Rodo), opposition to processing (including profiling) for the purposes of direct marketing (within the scope of art. 21 of Rodo) consent . If the use of your data is not necessary for the performance of the contract, fulfillment of the legal obligation or does not constitute our legitimate interest, we may ask you for permission for the specific use of your data, a complaint to the President of the Office of Personal Data Protection

  • we have the right to ask you for additional information that will allow us to authenticate you. The scope of each of these rights and the situations in which they can be used result from the law. The one you can use depends, for example, on the legal basis for using your data and the purpose of processing it

  • after considering the application, it may turn out that we will not be able to process your opponent's personal data on this basis, unless we prove that there are legal grounds, e.g.: 1) important legally justified grounds for data processing, which according to the law is considered to be better than your interests, rights and freedoms, or 2) grounds for establishing, pursuing or defending claims

6. Which data should be provided?

  • to conclude a contract - data on the contract form or in accompanying documents (e.g. specification of the parties to the contract, address for correspondence) - if you do not provide them, we may not enter into a contract

  • we require the data specified in the Labor Code from applicants for employment contracts and employees

  • additionally, we can ask for optional data that does not affect the conclusion of the contract (if we do not receive it, we will not be able to, for example, call the contact number)

  • giving some data at the conclusion of the contract, is not a statutory requirement (with the exceptions specified in the law, eg the Labor Code), but without providing the data, we could not, for example, perform the contract or it would be very difficult


7. Categories regarding personal data in the case of obtaining personal data in a different way than from the person they refer to. Depending on the type of person and legal relationship: eg. Tax Identification Number, personal identity number, address of residence, contact details (telephone, e-mail, or other messenger), names, access cards, address of the main place of business


8. Data from other sources:

  • if you pay via, for example, a bank or payment institution, we will get information about the account in which institution you made the payment. We will process this information to verify that you have made the correct payment and, if necessary, also to make refunds (basis: performance of the contract), to establish, investigate and defend claims and for the purposes of statistics and analysis (basis: our legally legitimate interest )

  • some of the data may come from publicly available sources (e.g. published in the National Court Register on government websites or other publications)


9. Automatic decision making:

We can automatically make decisions, including profiling, in the case of:

  • where explicitly permitted by Union or Member State law, including decisions for monitoring and preventing fraud and responding to it

  • to ensure the security and reliability of the services provided by the administrator (e.g., location data, analytical tools, including anti-virus programs, cookies, etc.), or

  • where it is necessary for the conclusion or performance of the contract between the data subject and the administrator, including determination, defense and enforcement of claims; or

  • additionally, when the data subject has given his explicit consent to this

Such processing will always be subject to appropriate safeguards, which is why, among others we inform about it. You have the right to obtain human intervention, express your own position, obtain an explanation of the decision resulting from such an assessment and challenge such a decision and then the matter will be considered by the right person

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